January 17, 2023
Dear Detroit Waldorf School Families,
Soon you will be receiving your enrollment agreements. I am writing to share information with you about a tuition increase for the 2023/2024 school year as well as important re-enrollment and accessible tuition deadlines. Please read on for important information to meet these deadlines.
The Board of Trustees sets tuition each year and its decision is guided by a number of core principles, including: (1) a commitment to provide an unparalleled Waldorf education to our students; (2) the need to pay our faculty and staff a reasonable and fair wage and to provide adequate benefits. (3) the understanding that for many families enrolling their children at DWS is an enormous financial undertaking; and, (4) the need to keep our beautiful building safe and sound.
The pandemic added additional expenses to our budget, which were partially offset by the PPP loans. However, inflation continues to impact our budget. Since a major percentage of the school’s revenue comes from tuition, the board has decided to increase tuition to offset these increases. We know that increases may be a hardship for some of our families so we remind you that the Accessible Tuition Program is available for those who require it. Notwithstanding the increases set out below, our school’s tuition rates are still lower than other independent schools in the region, in most cases dramatically so.
Two years ago, the Board thoroughly considered whether our Pre-Kindergarten tuition rates were comparable to other Pre-K options in the area and whether the tuition we collected was sufficient to cover the costs of running our Early Childhood Center. Findings from a review conducted by the Board Finance Committee and presented to the Board of Trustees indicated that our tuition in the Pre-K was not covering our costs and was well below the rates charged by other independent schools in the Detroit area.
Based on the factors described above, the Board of Trustees is committed to continuing with the adjustment to Pre-K tuition as planned with a tuition increase of 8% per student enrolling in Pre-K ($1,000 for five full days, $850 for five half days and three full days and $700 for three half days), 7% ($1,000) per student enrolling in Kindergarten through 2nd grade and 6% ($850) per student enrolling in 3rd through 8th grade for the 2023/2024 school year. Sibling discount is 10% of the youngest sibling(s) tuition.
Re-enrollment deadline: Re-enrollment for the 2023/2024 school year will open on January 17, 2023 and close on February 10, 2023 at 4:00 p.m.
Accessible Tuition application deadline: Accessible Tuition applications for the 2023/2024 school year will open January 17, 2023 and are due March 1, 2023. These are firm deadlines for all families. We need to have a true picture of our enrollment and our Accessible Tuition Program needs in order to develop a sustainable budget for the 2023/2024 school year.
Enrollment deposit and contract: Upon signing the enrollment contract for the 2023/2024 school year, families will be committing to ½ of the tuition and all fees. This means that families who decide to withdraw after re-enrolling will owe ½ of the tuition.
Please do not hesitate to contact Administrative Chair, Dianna Guldi, if you have questions or would like to meet with Board representatives. Thank you for your continued support of the Detroit Waldorf School.
Dante King
President, DWS Board of Trustees