Family Volunteer Opportunities!
In the DWS community every family is asked to contributes 30 volunteer hours annually.
Building and Grounds
Help care for our historic campus!
Fall and spring cleanup days
Weekly grounds pickup team
Special projects (could include painting, building maintenance, classroom improvements, plumbing, IT, etc.)
Share other skills and interests with the facilities managers.
Contact Facilities Dept.:
Classroom and Field Trips
Help support your child’s class!
Chaperone/drive on field trips
Bake for birthdays, festivals, and holidays
Theater: set construction, sew costumes for plays, and donate materials
Share your skills, interests and talents with your class teacher.
Contact your child’s class teacher(s).
Advancement and Fundraising
Walk and Roll
Chaperone/drive students to and from Belle Isle.
Staff snack and first-aid tables.
Drive a support vehicle.
Solicit sponsors.
Solicit donated auction items.
Help develop and execute décor for the event.
Volunteer the day before, day-of and/or the day after: set-up, clean-up, registration.
Other Opportunities
Provide professional photography, graphic design or writing/editing services for the DWS website or for DWS events.
Contact Advancement Office:
Serve on the Finance Committee which meets monthly to develop the school’s operating and capital budget, establish tuition rates, oversee investments and oversee the Accessible Tuition Program.
Contact Peggy Halloran:
Volunteer to be an Accessible Tuition Conversationalist
Contact: Jeff Raudebaugh:
Support weekday and weekend Taste of Waldorf Tours.
Volunteer at parent education events.
Volunteer at booths, community events and school fairs.
Volunteer for community service events.
Provide professional photography, graphic design or writing/editing services for website.
Help distribute flyers for events at DWS.
Serve on the Winter Faire Committee.
Contact Rachel LaRosa: