Back-to-School Campus Updates
Over the course of the last few months, Detroit Waldorf's beautiful campus has undergone several updates in support of the American Disabilities Act. We are pleased to share that our new ADA ramp is nearly complete, with just the addition of landscaping left before the first day of school. We are also in the final stages of adding a handicap-accessible restroom to the first floor.
Early stages of our ADA ramp construction, shortly after breaking ground.
Consulting with renowned architect Robert Black, project architect Anthony Morin (Rudolf Steiner High School of Ann Arbor, Class of 2004) dedicated long hours making sure to adhere the historical nature and design of our beautiful Albert Kahn-designed home while working toward making our building accessible to all.
Architect Anthony Morin lays stone sourced and upcycled from one of Detroit's first paved streets, Atwater Street.
We are extremely thankful to everyone who made this large project possible, especially the Wilhelm family whose continued generosity funded our ADA upgrades and capital improvements. As a non-profit, we would not be able to make such important capital improvements without the support of our community, grants and donations. If you wish to make a tax-deductible contribution to our fund, please visit our donation page.
Thank you, and we look forward to seeing everyone on the first day of school!